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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Forex and Automated Forex - Differences and Tips For Beginners

Automated Forex - A Cash Machine
Forex, or foreign exchange trading, is growing by leaps and bounds. It is becoming as popular (if not more) than the stock market, and Forex traders are discovering small fortunes every day! If you're new to Forex, you might find it to be confusing at first. Use the quick beginner's guide to Forex below to learn more about Forex and automated Forex.

What is Forex?
Forex is the act of trading various currencies from around the world. The Forex market started in the 1970s, but has in recent years caught on like wildfire in the stock market world. Forex trading systems record about USD $1.5 trillion in transactions every single day!
The goal in Forex trading is to make a profit when currency values increase or decrease within a currency pair. You will trade only when you expect the value of a currency to increase. In a currency pair, when the currency you bought increases, then you must sell the other currency to make a profit. An open trade, or open position, is a type of trade in which you have already purchased or sold a currency pair, but have not yet bought back an equivalent amount.
The five most significant currency pairs in Forex right now are USD/Yen, Euro/Yen, Pound/USD, Swiss franc/USD, and the Euro/USD.
Online Forex Trade
To get started in Forex trading, you will create a Forex account through a Forex broker. Then, you will need to create a Forex trading strategy that works best for you. The strategy you choose should be tested using a practice account if possible before you start investing your real money. This will enable you to become familiar with Forex trading without risk.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Forex Trading
Forex trading offers a number of advantages. It offers more chances to make short-term profits than the stock market because money moves faster in Forex. The trading opens and closes within only a few seconds, so money can be made quickly. Also, Forex trading is easier to monitor than the stock market because you are only keeping up with currencies, not hundreds or thousands of companies.
There are a few disadvantages as well. Forex trading is risky as is the stock market. Because trading occurs so frequently, Forex trading requires constant monitoring throughout the day to enjoy maximum benefits. Those who don't have time to monitor their Forex trading might lose more than they gain.

Now Automated Forex
With a new Forex trading system called automated Forex, you can enjoy the benefits of Forex without continual monitoring. Automated Forex is accomplished through trading software. The software monitors the Forex market for you by receiving Forex signals from trading systems and by using daily charts to analyze trends in Forex 24/7. The creation of automated Forex was based on a manual technique that has been used successfully by trading experts for years.
Automated Forex software is available from a number of companies online and offers you the advantage of around-the-clock trading. With these easy day trade signals, your automated Forex software will be able to trade for you while you're away and while you're sleeping. You never have to do the trading yourself, and you don't have to worry about it constantly when you're away. It's like having an expert advisor system in your own home or office PC.

Forex trading can be lucrative for you if you study the system and find a great strategy. Use online resources and helpful automated Forex tools to get started right away!


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Forex Signal Generator is Generating Profit - Do You Know?

For beginners in Forex trading, recognizing Forex signals could be compared to looking for a pin in a very large haystack. Imagine having to stare at fluctuating Forex currency ratings every hour and trying to decipher some semblance of meaning from the combinations only to find that the ratings have changed, yet again. In Forex Trading, investors need to recognize familiar 'signals' or movement patterns which mat indicate perfect opportunities for trading. Forex automated trading service providers now offer trading tools which can aid individuals perform basic spot tasks. One of these automated tools is the Forex Signal Generator.

Forex Signal Generator is Generating Profit

Now the question is What is a Forex Signal Generator?
A Forex Signal Generator is an important component in Forex Automated Trading. This is a sort of software which is built to complement online Forex Trading Platforms and Forex Expert Advisors (EA). Forex EAs respond to cues or Forex signals which are indicators based on specific currency rating combinations in the Forex market. These cues determine the path which Forex EAs take i.e. should the Forex EA advice/decide to buy this currency or not?
Forex EAs are programmed by algorithms which are supposed to react to common Forex marketing behaviors. Forex signals can be recognized by topnotch human Forex experts who have been amply exposed to the movements of the trade. A beginner who's trying to survive the competition in Forex trading might be lost to the entire "dance" of numerical figures. Forex EAs are built to recognize certain Forex signals which will indicate ideal trading opportunities. For the Forex EA to function, though, these Forex signals must be put into its system/program.
Again, exceptionally good and experienced Forex investors will find it relatively easy to interpret market behavior and come up with effective Forex signals. However, a beginner might not be able to come up with any effective Forex signal for a long time. To buffer losses caused by inexperience, a newbie investor will prefer to avail of a Forex signal generator while s/he is still trying to get the hang of Forex trading. This can allow him to fare better in the tight competition of the Forex scene.
Where can one find a good Forex Signal Generator?
Forex signal generators are usually offered by the same providers which manufacture Forex EAs and administer Forex online platforms. It's advisable to get your Forex signal generators from the same company that provides your platform and EA to ensure that they are all compatible with each other.
Well known Forex signal generators are also reviewed in most online forums. It's good to visit these forums to ensure that the Forex signal generator you are planning to use is recommendable. Newbie investors and companies need to be very careful with black box Forex generators and EAs which abound the market. Scammers are only to quick to ride the bandwagon of Forex Automated Trading.
Get your Forex signal generators from reputable Automated Forex Trading Service providers. It's also good to have at least ample,basic knowledge about Forex trading before embarking into any kind of investment. Think of Automated Forex Trading programs as mere tools to ease the basic tasks of trading. The should, in no way, be considered complete supplements to human trading, analytical and research skills.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Importance of Forex Trading System for Success

Forex Trading System

With whatever field or investment you'd like to take on, there are always tools and resources available to assist you. And this is especially true when it comes to Forex. The currency market can be quite overwhelming, and becoming a successful Forex trader does not come from pure luck. There are simply too many factors that can affect the direction that currency prices will move toward.
Here are two important realities to consider:
1. Most newbies try to take on Forex using no assistance or tools. (Most newbies lose all of their money).
2. Most successful traders use a Forex trading system to help them (Successful traders make VERY good money in Forex).
But even with these realities commonly known, newbies still try to attack Forex blind, basing their buying and selling decisions on limited knowledge and experience. It is not until they have lost all of their trading funds that they consider that it probably would have been smarter to invest in a Forex trading system and software from the beginning. Don't make the same mistake. If you want to be successful with currency trading (ie. making consistent profitable trades) then it is highly recommended that you investigate the many Forex trading systems and software on the market.
Let me illustrate further with a story of about two Forex traders:
Tom and Jim have been reading about Forex a lot recently. Both have been spending hours online trying to understand what currency trading is and how (and if) they can make some quick profits. All of the marketing ads that they read say that you can increase your money very, very quickly. Sure, there's some risk involved, but the potential rewards are just too good to pass up. So they both decide to try out Forex and see if they can make a go of it.
Both guys are highly motivated and want to give Forex their best chance. So each of them is going to invest $1000 of their savings into currency trading. If they lose the $1000, then they will quit Forex and re-evaluate whether or not to try again in the future. By investing a thousand bucks, both have shown that they are fully committed to making Forex work for them.
Starting Out:
Tom takes his entire $1000 and transfers it into a retail online Forex broker. Tom will be making all of his trading decisions on his own. He will be doing his own research and will lurking on Forex forums and blogs to see if he can get some much needed tips.
Jim goes a different route. Although he is just as motivated as Tom, he is also aware of the complexity of the Forex market and realizes that he just doesn't have much experience at this point. So he takes $900 and transfers it to the same retail Forex broker as Tom. He saves the remaining $100 in order to get access to tools and resources (ie. Forex trading systems and software) to help him make better trades. He used to day trade stocks and knows first hand the edge that these tools and resources can have (especially if you are just learning the ropes).
Month 1:
Tom jumped right into currency trading. His first trade started off in the positive, but quickly went south. Before he could post his sell request, he had lost $100. Although he did have some minor profitable trades, overall his trading history was very similar to his first trade. Many trades started off good, but for some reason (that he just didn't have the experience or knowledge to understand), then would eventually trend down. At the end of his first month trading currencies, Tom's trading account was down to $400.
Jim, did a little bit of research and found Forex Ambush. This was a membership website that provided its members winning signals. What really caught his eye was that they boldly stated that their trading signals were 99.9% accurate. How could they make such a bold statement? Jim did some more digging and found lots of positive feedback from current members. And there was one more thing that finally swayed Jim into giving Forex Ambush a try: they offered a 7 day trial at a fraction of their normal price.
For less than twenty bucks, Jim had seven days to try out Forex Ambush and their 99.9% accurate trading signals. He was really excited. He had $900 in his Forex trading account and still had $80+ to use in case Forex Ambush didn't help.
The next day Jim received an email with a trading signal from Forex Ambush. He was still very new to Forex, but with the bold accuracy statement still in his mind, Jim put in his order just as the trading signal specified. When his transaction closed later that day, Jim had made a $145 profit. He was very excited! After his 7 day trial ended, Jim went ahead and signed up to be a permanent member of Forex Ambush. Although not every trading signal resulted in profits, almost all of them did. And the losses that he did have were very small. After a month, Jim had $1750 in his Forex trading account.
Month 2:
Tom was feeling deflated. Within a month, he had gone from $1000 to $400. In order to try to make back his money, he did higher valued trades that were much more risky. The end result: he was down to $0 before the month had even ended. Tom was angry and frustrated. He swore off ever doing Forex again, telling anyone that would listen that it was a scam and that they should save their money.
Jim, on the other hand, was on cloud nine. He had turned his initial $900 and turned it into $1750. He was still getting the daily email from Forex Ambush with the trading signals, but he was also testing out a few other Forex trading systems. After a month of profitable trades, he had a much better understand on the Forex market and was full of confidence. By the end of month 2, Jim's trading account was now at $2355.
And the most remarkable thing was that Jim was doing all of this in his spare time. He still had a full-time job to cover his living expenses. Everything he made in Forex was extra. He has been contemplating quitting his job and trading Forex on a full-time basis. But for now, he's happy for the stability his current job brings him and is enjoying the benefits that his "side" money in Forex is providing him.
The moral of the story: if you want to succeed at anything that you have very little knowledge and experience with, it is highly recommended that you invest in the tools and resources to maximize your chances of success.
You need to ask yourself: do you want to be like Tom, poor, angry, and swearing that Forex is just a scam? Or would you rather be like Jim, investing in tools to help you succeed and enjoying the profits that those tools will help you make? If you are serious about making money with Forex, then you owe it to yourself to find a Forex trading system that will give you the winning edge.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Forex Overview - Risks and Management tips for Beginners

Forex Overview - Risks and Management

Each day, millions of trades are made in a currency exchange market called Forex. The word "Forex" directly stems off of the beginning of two words - 'foreign' & 'exchange'. Unlike other trading systems such as the stock market, Forex does not involve the trading of any goods, physical or representative. Instead, Forex operates through buying, selling, and trading between the currencies of various economies from around the world. Because the Forex market is truly a global trading system, trades are made 24 hours a day, five days a week. In addition, Forex is not bound by any one control agency, which means that Forex is the only true free market economic trading system available today. By leaving the exchange rates out of any one group's hands, it is much more difficult to even attempt to manipulate or corner the currency market. With all of the advantages associated with the Forex system, and the global range of participation, the Forex market is the largest market in the entire world. Anywhere between 1 trillion and 1.5 trillion equivalent United States dollars are traded on the Forex market each and every day.
Forex operates mainly on the concept of "free-floating" currencies; this can be explained best as currencies that are not backed by specific materials such as gold or silver. Prior to 1971, a market such as Forex would not work because of the international "Bretton Woods" agreement. This agreement stipulated that all involved economies would strive to hold the value of their currencies close to the value of the US dollar, which in turn was held to the value of gold. In 1971, the Breton Woods agreement was abandoned. The United States had run a huge deficit during the Vietnam Conflict, and began printing out more paper currency than they could back with gold, resulting in a relatively high level of inflation. By 1976, every major currency worldwide had left the system established under the Breton Woods agreement, and had changed into a free-floating system of currency. This free-floating system meant that each country's currency could have vastly different values that fluctuated based on how the country's economy was faring at that time.
Because each currency fluctuates independently, it is possible to make a profit from the changes in currency value. For example, 1 Euro used to be worth about 0.86 US dollars. Shortly thereafter, 1 Euro was worth about 1.08 US dollars. Those who bought Euros at 86 cents and sold them at 1.08 US dollars were able to make 22 cents profit off of each Euro - this could equate to hundreds of millions in profits for those who were deeply rooted in the Euro. Everything in the Forex market is hanging on the exchange rate of various currencies. Sadly, very few people realize that the exchange rates they see on the news and read about in the newspapers each day could possibly be able to work towards profits on their behalf, even if they were just to make a small investment.
The Euro and the US dollar are probably the two most well-known currencies that are used in the Forex market, and therefore they are two of the most widely traded in the Forex market. In addition to the two "kings of currency", there are a few other currencies that have fairly strong reputation for Forex trading. The Australian Dollar, the Japanese Yen, the Canadian Dollar, and the New Zealand Dollar are all staple currencies used by established Forex traders. However, it is important to note that on most Forex services, you won't see the full name of a currency written out. Each currency has it's own symbol, just as companies involved in the stock market have their own symbol based off of the name of their company. Some of the important currency symbols to know are:
USD - United States Dollar
EUR - The Euro
CAD - The Canadian Dollar
AUD - The Australian Dollar
JPY - The Japanese Yen
NZD - The New Zealand Dollar
Although the symbols may be confusing at first, you'll get used to them after a while. Remember that each currency's symbol is logically formed from the name of the currency, usually in some form of acronym. With a little practice, you'll be able to determine most currency codes without even having to look them up.
Some of the richest people in the world have Forex as a large part of their investment portfolio. Warren Buffet, the world's richest man, has over $20 Billion invested in various currencies on the Forex market. His revenue portfolio usually includes well over one-hundred million dollars in profit from Forex trades each quartile. George Soros is another big name in the field of currency trading - it is believed that he made over $1 billion in profit from a single day of trading in 1992! Although those types of trades are very rare, he was still able to amass over $7 Billion from three decades of trading on the Forex market. The strategy of George Soros also goes to show that you don't have to be too risky to make profits on Forex - his conservative strategy involves withdrawing large portions of his profits from the market, even when the trend of his various investments seems to still be correlating upward.
Thankfully, you don't have to invest millions of dollars to make a profit on Forex. Many people have recorded their success with initial investments of anywhere from $10,000 to as little as $100 for an initial investment. This wide range of economic requirements makes Forex an attractive venue for trading among all classes, from those well entrenched in the lower rungs of the middle class, all the way up to the richest people alive on the planet. For those on the lower end of the spectrum, access to the Forex market is a fairly recent innovation. Within the past decades, various companies began offering a system that is friendlier to the average person, allowing the smaller initial investments and greater flexibility that is seen in the market today. Now, no matter what economic position you are in, you can get started. Although it's possible to jump right in and start investing, it's best that you make sure you have a better understanding of the ins and outs of Forex trading before you get started.
The world of Forex is one that can be both profitable and exciting, but in order to make Forex work for you it is important that you know how the system works. Like most lucrative activities, to become a Forex pro you need a lot of practice. There are many websites that offer exactly this, the simulated practice of Foreign Exchange.
The services provided by online practice sites differ from site to site, so it is always a good idea to make sure you know all of the details of the site you are about to use. For example, there are several online brokers who will offer a practice account for a period of several weeks, then terminate it and start you on a live account, which means you may end up using your own money before you are ready to. It's always a good idea to find a site that offers an unlimited practice account. Having a practice account allows you to learn the ways of the trade with no risk at all.
Continuing to use the practice account while you use a live account is also a beneficial tool for even the most seasoned Forex traders. The use of a no risk practice account enables you to try out new trading strategies and tread into unknown waters. If the strategy works, you know that you can now implement that strategy into your real account. If the strategy fails, you know to refrain from the use of that strategy without the loss of any actual money.
Of course, simply using a no risk account won't get you anywhere. In order to make money with Forex, you need to put your own money in. Obviously, it would be ridiculous to travel to other countries to purchase and sell different currencies, so there are many websites that you can use to digitally trade your money. Almost all online brokerage systems have different features to offer you so you have to do the research to find out which site you wish to create an account with.
All brokers will require specific information of you to create your account. The information they will need from you includes information required to communicate with you, including your name, mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address. They also require information needed to identify who you are, including your Social Security number, Passport number or Tax Identification number. It is required by law that they have this information, so they can prevent fraudulent trading. They may also collect various personal information when you open an account, including gender, birth date, occupation, and employment status.
Now that you have practiced trading currency and set up your live account, it is time to truly enter this profitable yet risky world. To make money with Forex, you do need to have money to begin with. It is possible to trade with very small amounts of money, but this will also lead to very small profits. As is with many other exchange systems, high payouts will only come with high risks. You can't expect to start getting millions as soon as you put money in to the market, but you can't expect to make any money at all if you don't put in at least a 3-digit value.
As most Forex brokers will warn you, you can loose money in the foreign exchange market, so don't put your life savings into any one trade. Always trade with money that you'd be able to survive without. This will ensure that if you get a bad trade and loose a lot of money, you wont end up on the streets, and you'll be able to make a comeback in the future.
So how does trading currency work? Logically, trades always come in pairs. For example, a common trade would be the United States Dollar to the Japanese Yen. This is expressed as USD/JPY. The way to quote a trade is kind of tricky, but with practice it becomes as natural as reading your native language. In a Forex quote, the first currency in the list (IE: USD in USD/JPY) is the base currency, and in the quote the base is always one. This means if (hypothetically of course) One USD was worth Two JPY, that the quote would be expressed as 1/2.
When trading in Forex, we use pips. Pip is an acronym for 'percentage in point'. A pip a certain decimal place in a number compared to the same decimal place in another number. Using pips, we track the gains and losses of a currencies value compared to another's. Let's take a look at an example. Say a value is written as 1.0001/1.0004. This would indicate a 3-pip spread, because of the 3 number difference in the fourth decimal place. Almost all currency pairs go to the fourth decimal place. The only currency pair that doesn't is that of the USD/JPY, and it goes to the second decimal place. For example, a USD/JPY quote with a 3-point spread would look like this: 1.01/1.04.
A very common aspect to the foreign exchange is leverage. Leverage trading, also known as trading on margin, is a way to amplify the amount of money you are making. When you use leverage trading, you borrow a certain amount of money from your broker and use that to make your transaction. This allows you to trade with more money then you are actually spending, meaning you can make higher profits than you would normally be able to make.
There are risks associated with leverage trading. If you increase the amount of money you are using, if a trade goes bad, then you'll loose more money than you'd usually loose. The risks are worth it though, because a big win on margin means a huge payout. As mentioned before, it is definitely a wise idea to try out leverage trading on your practice account before you use it excessively on your live account, so you can get a feel for the way it works.
Now that you're an expert on the way Forex trading works there are some things about foreign exchange that you should know. Forex is just like the stock market in that there are many benefits and risks, but if you are going to invest your time and personal money into this system, you should be fully aware of all of the factors that may change your decision to invest in the currency market.
Generally speaking, Forex is a difficult subject to opinion ate on, because of the different factors that may alter the currency over the years. "Supply and demand" is a major issue affecting the Forex organization, because the world is in constant variable to change, one significant product being oil. Usually the currency of all the nations around the globe is described as a huge "melting pot", because of the fact that all of the interchanging controversy, political affairs, national disputes, and possibly war conflicts, all mixed together as a whole, altering the nature of Forex every second! Although problems such as supply and demand, and the whole "melting pot" issue, there are a numerous amount of pros to Forex; one being benefited profit from long term stock. Because of the positive aspects of Forex, the percentage of the use of electronic trading in the FX market (shortened from Foreign Exchange) increased by 7% from 2005 to 2008. Despite the controversial realm of Forex, it is still recognized today by many, and is still popular amongst many of the nations in the world.
Of all the organizations that recognize Forex, most of them practice fiscal policy and monetary policy. Both policies are dependent on the nation's outlook on economics, and their standards set. The government's budget deficits, or surpluses against the country, is widely affected by the country's economic status of trade, and may critically inflict the nation's currency. Another factor for the nation's deficit spending is what the nation already has, in terms of necessities for the citizens, and the society. The more the country already has, prior to trade, the greater the budget for other demands from the people, such as technology, innovations in existing products, etc. Although a country may have an abundance in necessities, greed may hinder the nation's economic status, by changing government official's wants, to want "unnecessary" products, therefore ruining or "wasting" the country's money. This negative trend may lead to the country's doom, and hurt the Forex's reputation for positive change. There are some countries which hold more of a product (such as oil stated above), the Middle East dominating that sector in the circle of trade; Since the Middle East suffers much poverty, as a result of deficit spending, and lack of other resources, they demand for a higher price in oil, to maintain their economic status. This process is known as the "flights to quality", and is practiced by many countries, wanting to survive in the trading network that exists today. Interest rate, and leveraged financing, is due to the inflation that occur in many parts of the world from one point to another. Inflation wear down purchasing abilities, causing the currency to fall with it. In some cases, a country may observe the trends that it takes, and beforehand, take action to avoid any mishaps that had been experienced before. Sometimes, the country will buy more of a product, or sell more of a product, otherwise known as "overbought" or "oversold". This may aid in the country's future, or devastatingly hurt the country, because of lack of thought, as a result of fraud logic.
"What started out as a market for professionals is now attracting traders from all over the world and of all experience levels" is part of a letter of the chairman of Forex, and it is completely true. There is even a 30-day trial for Forex online at http://www.forex.com/forex_demo_account.html if anyone interested in Forex wants to learn more about the company. Although affected by leveraged financing, interest rate, and causing an increase or decrease in exchange rate risks, Forex can be a great way for quick profits and integrated economy for the country. In investing in stocks that are most likely to be successful for a long period of time, and researching these companies for more reference and background that you need to know, Forex can aid in these fields. In the Forex market of different levels of access, the inter-bank market composed of the largest investment bank firm, which contains "spreads", which are divided into bid, and ask prices. Large amounts of transactions, with large amounts traded and requesting a small amount of difference is known as a better spread, which is preferred by many investors.
In comparison to the Stock Market, the Forex organization is just as stable, and safe, if the users on it are aware, and decently knowledgeable about the topic. The Stock Market Crash in 1929 was a result of lack of thinking, because of the extremely cheap shares, replacing the shares originally costing thousands of dollars. When the Stock Market crashed, and the New Deal was proposed by Franklin D. Roosevelt, leveraged finance was present, and utilized to stabilize the economy at the time. The United States was extremely wealthy and prosperous in the 20s [prior to the depression], and had not realized what could happen as a result of carelessness in spending. This is a result of deficit spending, and how it could damage a society, in less than a decade! When joining Forex, keep in mind that with the possible positive outcomes, and negative ones, there are obstacles that must be faced to become successful.
As a result of many catastrophic events, such as the Great Depression that occurred in the United States, people investing in the Forex organization keep in mind of the dangers, and rewards that may come upon them in a certain point in time. With more work and consideration outputted by a person, or organization in the Forex program will there be more signs of prosperity as a result. In relation to individuals such as Warren Buffet and George Sores, they have become successful through experience, and determination through many programs, and research, for security purposes. Reserving some of the most riches people in the world, to others that are just test driving it to discover its potential for them, Forex is a broad topic that experiences different people everyday. Forex may not help everyone that invests in it, but if enough outputted effort is amplified in attempts to better the economy, it is most definitely something that any person should experience first-hand.


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Secret Forex Trading Guide - Fly Above the Sky through Forex Trade

Forex can take you above the sky.. Really !
Secret Forex Trading Guide - Fly Above the Sky through Forex Trade. Self control and discipline can be nurtured and strengthened over time and are extremely valuable qualities to develop. In this paper, we shall talk about how these qualities relate to present and projected future developments in the Forex industry.
Manual Forex trading is a time tested and market proven method for trading of Forex. There is no doubt that manual Forex trading is here to stay. Many of the most talented full time Forex traders prefer this method.
The key words here are skilled full time traders. You see, manual Forex trading can be time consuming. While the process of Forex technical analysis gets a bit easier and more efficient with practice in regular manually trading of forex, it can never be completely eliminated. Manual Forex traders will always need to complete their technical and perhaps even fundamental analysis prior to executing their Forex trades.
As you know, fundamental Forex analysis has to do with looking at economic indicators within and between nations. Fundamental Forex indicators such as Consumer Price Index, Non-Farm Payroll, Gross National Product (GNP), Industrial Production, Producer Price Index, Retail Sales, Balance of Payments and Interest Rates are many of the most common fundamental Forex indicators traders seek to incorporate in their analysis.
Needless to say using both fundamental and technical analysis is quite complex and can be a very time consuming challenge. Except for 'news' traders many Forex traders default to primarily using Forex technical analysis.
A prime example of 'news' is the Non Farm Payroll announcement. This announcement normally takes place on the 1st Friday of each month at 8:30 AM Eastern Time. Forex traders who trade the news position themselves in the market to capture as many PIP's as possible during the market corrections that take place just after a 'news' release. Forex traders who trade the news rely quite a bit on fundamental indicators in making their trade steps.
New Forex software programs that gather and interpret Forex fundamental indicators has been around for a while and they shall continue to improve their accuracy with the time.
Speaking of Forex software programs, one of the most rapidly developing forms of Forex software are 'Expert Advisors'. Forex EA are software programs that operate within your Forex trading platform. So far, the industry leading Forex trading platform for expert advisor's is the Metatrader 4 Trading Platform designed by ODL Securities.
Currency Trade is Beneficial for Your Future in Forex
There are several advantages to using an EA. Perhaps chief among these advantages is the fact that the 'on-board' programming of the expert advisor eliminates the needs for the Forex trader to spend a lot of time doing analysis technically. Once an EA is properly initiated, it will automatically trade a specified Forex pair, or pairs, using a predetermined strategy or Forex trading approach.
This can be a huge time-saver.
With an EA the Forex technical analysis is handled by the Forex trading logic programmed into the EA. The EA functions off of a set of predetermined 'rules' which guide its operation. The EA enters the Forex trade when the entry terms and conditions are met and exits the Forex trade when the exit conditions are met. Each EA has a different set of predetermined rules. Each rule is typically controlled by one or more user adjustable 'switches'. These switches are optimized at the time the EA is delivered to the user and can be saved as a switch settings profile. Once the default switch settings are saved, the user can make changes to the switch settings if they wish. It is important to remember that the best way to determine EA switch settings is through the back testing process.
Back testing is a process by which each switch or set of switches are methodologically tested using actual past market data from your Forex trading platform. While back testing takes much less time than forward testing it is still a painstaking and time consuming process but the results can be very revealing and informative. This process will tell you such things as, for example, which time frame and currency pair are the most profitable to trade.
Back testing is absolutely necessary in order to optimize the settings for an EA and as such it is very valuable process but the process is not perfect. Data mis-match can occur during the back test process which can de-grade the results somewhat. The source of these data mismatches is not known at this time but it is an industry wide problem and the solution to the mis-match problem is being vigorously pursued.
Even with its flaws the back test process remains of utmost importance when it comes to optimize the performance of any EA.
Select Currency Pair Properly before Trade
The time saving nature of using an EA coupled with the stress reducing effect that it has on the Forex trader has boosted the popularity of this kind of Forex trade automation.
It is just this kind of Forex trade automation that is helping to fuel the explosive growth of the retail Forex market. It is no longer necessary to stay glued to your computer monitor and "baby sit" your Forex trades. Not only that but a precisely designed EA can perform functions that even the most skilled and experienced Forex traders find uncompromising. For example, there are expert advisor's on the market today that can trade multiple currency pairs simultaneously. Other EA's can trade multiple Forex hedge trades at the same time!
We are in the midst of a quiet revolution toward increased Forex trade automation. It is safe to say that the trend toward Forex trade atomization is likely to continue and strengthen over the next some years. Because the advantages of using an EA overshadow the disadvantages, the popularity of using EA's is at an all time high and likely to set new records in the near future.
Even though EA's are reducing the need for Forex technical analysis they are not reducing the importance of self-control and discipline. It is common for Forex traders who are new to EA trading to have an urge to 'manual' trade using the EA. This is a mistake, first of all it defeats the purpose of the EA and second it can result in preventable loses.
With EA trading the EA is your Forex trading method. The EA trader is well advised to allow the EA to do its work without trying to manually over ride it, Plan your trade, trade your plan.
If possible, examine the back testing and forward testing results of an EA before you purchase it. Always demo trade with a new EA to confirm its operation before using it in a live account.
EA trading is gaining in popularity by leaps and bounds. EA trading is part of a major trend toward increased automation in the world of Forex. This trend is expected to expand and strengthen in the years ahead.
Being skilled in Forex technical analysis is always an asset but EA trading relies more on the Forex trading logic of the EA than it does the technical skill of the trader.
Self control and discipline are equally very important whether you are Forex manual trading or expert advisor trading. Combine the personal qualities self control and discipline with using a well designed expert advisor and you are on your way to profiting in Forex - the world's largest market.

Disclaimer Note: This feature is for educational and information purposes only. It is not offered as investment or legal advice. The reader assumes all responsibility for any and all profits or losses incurred by his or her trading performance and activities.


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Get Huge Earning Just By 5 Minutes - Read Highly Paid Forex Secrets

I am here to share some information, tips, strategies and insights of how to successfully sell, purchase that is trade and invest in online Forex trading. FOREX or Foreign Exchange is the largest and longest as well as the most liquid trading market in the world and there are many people involved in FOREX trading all over the world. A lot of people claim that the FOREX is the best home business that could be pursued by any person. With each day, more and more are turning to FOREX traders, via electronic means of computer and internet connectivity.
Forex Trade - Start From A Least
This means that foreign exchange is not delivered to a person who actually buys like stock trading, FOREX trading also has day traders that purchase and sell foreign exchange same day. Thus, FOREX is not a get rich quick scheme as many people thought which complicates the real concept of online Forex trading. Unlike stocks and futures that trade through exchanges, Forex trading is done through market makers that include major banks as well as small to large brokerage firms located around the world who collectively make a market on twenty four hours - five days basis. The Forex market is always 'open' and is the largest financial network in the world [daily average turnover of trillions of dollars].
Forex trading involves trading currency pairs such as the EUR/USD pair (Eurodollar/US dollar pair) where a buyer of this pair would actually be buying the Eurodollar and simultaneously selling short the US dollar.

Here's the deal: Just like any other market, most traders are losing when trading Forex. And the reasons for their failure are mainly because some lack good trading methods, sound money and risk management principles and indiscipline trading attitude. In most cases, it could be wrong mindset and motive towards the market. Some don't even understand the trend of the market of which the trend plays a vital role in the life of any trader, as it is simply says that 'the trend is your friend'.
Moreover, many have been mislead by dishonest individuals or questionable brokers promising out-wardly overnight riches and hidden policies.

Forex is still a little like the 'wild-west', so theres naturally a lot of confusion and misinformation out there but I'm here to cover many tactics and strategies used by successful Forex traders all over the world. Unfortunately, only few Forex traders are actually aware of this knowledge.
Forex trading is all about regulation, will-power and determination. Leveraging your strength could be extravagant by organizing the appropriate Forex trading strategy. You may find hundreds and thousands of Forex trading strategies out there. All Forex trading strategies use a variety of indicators and combinations. These indicators and studies are just calculating support and resistance and trend in the Forex trading market.

Currency Trade is Forex Trade

What you are about to read is more valuable to you than what you will find in many trading courses or seminars that you'd have to pay for. Anyhow, I don't believe in sugarcoating anything or giving you false hopes of success. There are enough swindlers doing that already. I want to give you the facts, like 'em or not, so you're em-powered to take action and make positive steps on how to succeed in the Forex markets.
There's nothing magical about the Forex markets, because all markets are ultimately driven by human psychology - fear and greed - and supply and demand. Sure, every market has its own peculiarities, but if you understand how the basic drivers of human emotions work, you can potentially succeed big in Forex market, because the market controls ninety five percent of live trader's emotions. Some traders think it's a 'get rich quick' trading the popular Forex markets.

There are many advantages of Forex trading over other types of financial instrument trading like bonds, stocks, commodities etc. But it does not mean that there are no risks involved in the Forex trading. Of course there are risks associated with Forex trading. Therefore, someone needs to understand all the terms related to Foreign Exchange carefully. There are many online sources as well as offline sources that provide hints on trading of Forex. These hints are basically the secrets.

USD and Euro - The Best ooption to Trade

As I said above, the foreign exchange trading is considered as one of the most profitable and attractive opportunities for investment as any person can easily do at home or office and from any part of the world. For succeeding the Forex trading, a person is not required to do any online promotion, marketing etc. The only requirement in the Forex trading is the account that a person is required to open with reliable and registered brokers, a computer system and fast internet connection.

Operate Your Trade Directly From Your Bed Room

Now, you have to be careful when opening a Forex account with any broker because some could be scam. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) in US has jurisdiction over all Futures and Forex activity. When trading in the foreign exchange markets, individuals should only trade with a CFTC registered entity that is also a member of the National Futures Association (NFA) and is regulated by the CFTC. For the brokers out of the USA / bank entities, be sure that the broker or bank is registered with that country's appropriate regulatory bodies.

The Forex account could be opened with any amount between $300 (mini) and $2000 (standard). After creating the account, a person is required to learn how the Forex market works, demo trade and after a while go live trading. Moreover, there are some secrets that have to be followed.
A person can also apply all the secrets when demo trading and can see if the secrets really work. It could be said without any doubt that if some-one can apply all the secrets in right way, he can easily gain good money by way of Forex trading.

Trade Currency in the Forex Trade

All successful traders have Forex trading strategies that they follow to make profitable trades. These Forex trading strategies are generally based on a strategy that allows them to find good trades and the strategy is based on some form of market analysis. Top Successful traders need some ways to interpret and even predict the movements of the market.

There are 2 key point approaches to analyzing the motions of the Forex market. These are Technical Analysis and Fundamental Analysis. However, technical analysis is much more likely to be used by traders. Still, it's good to have an understanding of both types of analysis, so that you can decide which type would work best for your Forex trading strategies.

There has been misconception about the Forex market because there are many types of traders and advert out there full of exaggerations that makes the business unreal to so many people and that is why I am here to show you the secrets in forex trading.

Basically money is traded in the Forex Market. Forex trading is where the currency of one nation is traded for that of another. Therefore, Forex trading is always traded in pairs and the most commonly traded currency pairs are traded against the US Dollar [USD]. They are called "Majors". The major currency pairs are the Euro Dollar (EUR/USD); the British Pound (GBP/USD); the Japanese Yen (USD/JPY); and the Swiss Franc (USD/CHF). The notable "commodity" currency pairs that traded are the Canadian Dollar (USD/CAD) and the Australian Dollar (AUD/USD). Because there is no central exchange for the Forex market, these pairs and their crosses are traded over the telephone and online through a global network of banks, multinational corporations, importers and exporters, brokers and currency traders. But if you really want to make it big in the Forex market, I will strongly advise that as a "beginner" in the business. Kindly get acquainted with one or two major currency pairs. Study them very well and make sure you understand their volatility time.

And to further simplify Forex trading, you could easily limit your trading to the two most liquid and widely traded pairs, the EUR/USD and the GBP/USD. This really starts to reduce demands on your time for trading activities without giving up good profit potential.

Traditionally, currency trading has been a "professionals only" market available exclusively to banks and large institutions, however, because of the invention of the new E-economy, online Forex trading firms are now able to offer trading accounts to "retail" traders like you and I. Now almost anyone with a computer and an Internet connection can trade currencies just like the world's largest banks do.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Free Forex Trade - Methods of Profitable Forex Trading

Enter in Forex World - Use Forex Signals for Success
Forex can be highly profitable but it is also very easy to lose your whole investment when you are unaware to it. In fact, even forex traders that have been trading for a long time to a year often lose more than they make. However, I am going to give you a method in this article that you can use to make really profitable trades right away. This technique will also help you very significantly lower your losses and risks and it will give you the opportunity to learn from the very best forex traders out there.

It is common observation that peoples first attempt to learn forex, they buy books and courses and spend a great deal of time trying to learn the vocabulary and the various strategies. However, no matter how intelligent you are, putting this all together and actually using it to make real business trades can be quite challenging. Frankly, the vast majority of beginners end up losing their whole investment.
You can avoid all this and start out making profitable trades by buying ‘’forex signals’’ from any experienced forex traders. If you buy these from the right source and you get them in real time, you can easily follow an experienced forex trader trade for trade and in doing so you'll make the same profit that he makes – percentage wise at least.
Some new forex traders will purchase forex signals that are automatically generated by software & online systems. Although, these are usually based on the gaining strategies of experienced forex traders, they do not work anywhere near as well as receiving signals from a real human being. This is because expert forex traders know what to do as the volatile forex market jumps around. They know what to do when a news story hits and the market goes on a complete roller coaster ride. They may change planning mid stream several times before a day is over, depending on how the market is reacting that particular day. Software, no matter how well it is programmed or what system it is depend upon, can never fully emulate the success of a real trader and at times, it can be way off - often enough that you can easily lose your complete investment.

You are much better off getting your forex signals sent to you by a real forex trader & following them trade to trade. You will greatly lower your risk in doing so. You will be making much more positive profit right from the very first day. You will speed up your learning process by a couple of orders of magnitude and you shall learn things that you would no more learn in a book, i.e. you'll learn the real secrets to profitable forex trading.

Profitable Forex Trading by Forex Signals

I recommend that you test the forex signals you are being sent in a demo account so you can make sure you are getting profitable signals and they are profitable on a consistently basis. You also want to make sure you understand every term and way of your trading platform before you use your own real money.

There are only a few really exceptional forex traders who offer forex signals in real time one thing is very important to remember, the signals must be sent in real time and/or you can copy them trade to trade. Luckily, however, there are a little bit small such services and I have been tested all of them.
There are so many best forex signal service, real-time signals are created by a highly successful trader and I have tested them deeply. I find them to be the most profitable signals on the most consistent basis. You can use these even if you are a rank beginner.

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